Patient Safety Endorsement

Patient Safety Declaration 3.0

  1. The governance and leadership team of every hospital shall create and foster the Culture of Safety in their hospitals.
  2. Every hospital shall have a person designated for Patient Safety. Every hospital shall have a Patient Safety Committee with representatives from medical services, nursing, engineering, housekeeping, pharmacy, infection control and quality that shall meet every month.
  3. Every hospital shall encourage the implementation of evidence-based care practices and periodically monitor the effectiveness of standards of care through a structured clinical audit system.
  4. Every hospital shall train all its employees on patient safety issues, including patients’ rights and responsibilities.
  5. Every hospital shall educate and empower its patients on patient safety issues.
  6. Every hospital shall have a policy and implement a system on reporting adverse events within the organization. Be a role model organization for active surveillance system and data availability.
  7. Every hospital shall implement the International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) or WHO Patient Safety Solutions (PSS) to provide a smarter and safer healthcare system. Every hospital shall participate in the Patient Safety Program under the aegis of the National Patient Safety Implementation Framework, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
  8. Every hospital shall cooperate with one another and exchange information about adverse events, including errors, their solutions, and “lessons learned” to improve patient safety and risk prevention.
  9. Every hospital shall collect data for the following patient safety indices (not an exhaustive list):
  • IPSG / PSS Compliance
  • Patient Falls
  • Pressure Ulcers
  • Needle Stick Injuries
  • Medication Errors
  • Hospital Acquired Infections
  • Antibiotic Stewardship
  • Hand Washing
  • Facility Safety Incidents

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