Mr Santosh Marathe has work experience of around 27 years with the past 18 years in Healthcare. His career has transcended across manufacturing, Consumer Goods & Healthcare. He currently occupies the role of Regional CEO – Western Region at Apollo Hospital Enterprises Limited. Under his regional role, he is responsible for Hospitals based out of Navi Mumbai, Nasik, Gandhinagar & Ahmedabad. He also manages the Apollo managed Hospitals at Navsari Gujrat & Lagos Nigeria. His earlier stint was with American Hospital Dubai as a CFO.
He has been instrumental in multiple strategic advisory roles for building business alliances, project planning, service excellence initiatives, costing & pricing strategies, physician compensation strategies, revenue management & IT implementations. He also played a lead role in implementing ICD 10 & CPT migration strategy in his earlier role at American Hospital Dubai.
He has been recognised & awarded in top 100 Healthcare leaders by IFAH Dubai.
He has been a regular speaker in multiple national & international forums at Boston, Sydney, Amsterdam, Singapore, Hong Kong & Dubai on topics of Big Data, Supply Chain management, Patient Centric care initiatives, Patient Experience, Finance & Costing & IT systems, Digital healthcare roadmap, Revenue management & so forth.